Hahaha, udah lama gak nulis blog yaa. Itu karena aku lebih sering make fb (facebook/pesbuk) dan plurk sekarang. Hehe, barubaru ini aku buat Plurk. Gak tau tanggal berapa aku buat, yang penting bulan ini dong (garing). Kan aku ngeliat di fb banyak orang ngirim message tentang plurk, contohnya ditha, suruh bikin plurk lah, apalah. Jadi, pas aku liat beberapa plurk punya temen aku, aku pengen bikin juga ah. Daripada nanti dibilang katrok, hihihi. Oke, cuman untuk ngasih info aja, Plurk itu gak ngapangapain selain nulisnulis status, terus kita sama Plurk orang lain bisa comment. Terus ada karma, kalau misalnya karma kita tinggi bisa unlock macem-macem, emoticons, page title, dll. Terus layout plurk nya lucu-lucu lagi, cuman susah nyari yg gratis di internet hehe. Karma aku baru 30-an -_- pelit kali ngasih karma, grrr -_-
Wah, aku kayak promosi aja ya (emang iya kali ahhahaha) dari tadii..
okeoke, lanjutt...
Mau ngomong apa ya? Oh ya, tentang judulnya dongszz (alay).
Hmm, bad news nya sih, bubar 6f gak jadi, padahal udah direncanain. Tadinya di fb kami comment2, panjaaaaang kali, di foto 6f. Ceritanya gini : berawal dari commen2 pengen balik ke 6f di foto itu. terus, aku bilang , 'kok commentnya disini terus woi? foto lain laaah'. terus si hilmi bilang 'malah bagus kalau comentnya banyak.. temen mamaku aja dapat comment terbanyak dapat hadiah ke singapore.' aduuuuh, harusnya dia gak usah bilang. jadi si risa punya ide banyakin comment ini, biar 6f dapat pergi ke singapore. Udah capekcapek ngomment gak jelas, yaitu antara aku, hilmi, risa, fariz, dan aisha, terus suatu hari aku bilang ke mamaku tg temen mama hilmi. ndeeeeh, habis tu, mamaku bilang harus ikut fanpage nya dulu, yg namanya WRP atau WDC, ntahlah, lupa, yg penting kontesnya udh selesai. Terus aku bilang ke yg lain, eh malah pengen mecahin rekor dunia :)) hhaha adaada aja. itu makanya mereka itu sangaaaaaaaaat kocak. :)) tapi ttep ngoment, terus aku ada ide bubar 6f. soalnya kan ramadhan tahun lalu kita belum sekelas. Jadi, ita udh rencanain udh bilang mau buka. tapi belum tau dimana. terus, lia ngusulin dirumah dia. jadi udh kami bilang pas bubar SMP, hari minggu di rumah lia. Tapi, besoknya gak jadi, soalnya orang pada segen di rumah lia, jadi akhirnya di RCC. yah, aku malah gak boleh, terus juga banyak yg gak tau. AKhirnya, setelah hampir satu jam telponan ama lia dan hilmi, terus juga confrence beberapa kali, gak jadi :( yaaaaah.
Dah, aku kok sering bicarain y gak penting ya ? zzzzzzzz ......... -,-
Good news, nanti bubar 6f hari ini ! yeaah ! akhirnya! kayak apa tuh? reunion? (kalau gak salah tulisannya) hahahha.. Aku gak sabar, tapi banyak juga yg gak datang :( contohnya, beberapa orang 7b, karena mereka juga bubar hari ini. terus, bubar 6f ini di rumah hilmi. Bakal asik tuh! hihihihii :)
Hmm.. aku males ceritain yg lain. So, aku bakal liatin puisi yg aku bikin aja ya :D hehe :
Who Will?
If they didn't invent the car,
Who will?
If they didn't invent the potato chips 'Lays',
Who will?
If they didn't look at things in a brighter way,
Who Will?
And if your friends are not the ones you can trust,
Who is?
In this world, cravers can have the sugar,
But those that have sweetness,
they probably'll live longer.
So, hear my soul, whoever is listening,
For no one can really be surviving,
Until they found someone who is not just in for the sugar,
But instead for the sweetness.
If they didn't invent the car,
Who will?
If they didn't invent the potato chips 'Lays',
Who will?
If they didn't look at things in a brighter way,
Who Will?
And if your friends are not the ones you can trust,
Who is?
In this world, cravers can have the sugar,
But those that have sweetness,
they probably'll live longer.
So, hear my soul, whoever is listening,
For no one can really be surviving,
Until they found someone who is not just in for the sugar,
But instead for the sweetness.
And this one :
In Your Heart
Gazing up at the twinkling night stars,
They say there's an answer to everything if you look far.
My face elaborates lost and confused,
It's all caused by an instinct that I'm being used.
Maybe you don't know me at all,
Or maybe you can't see through to me,
But I know a fact that stands up tall,
It's that I'm beginning to question our friendship.
Thought swirls about,
I don't know which one is right,
Whether to just live with it, or to fight.
Acting like some stressed-up actor,
Is one of your best things,
Why won't you realize,
That I suffer everyday,
From my heart that keeps on ripping.
Would be nice,
To hug each other, and go back in time,
When nothing else matters,
As long as you got your best friends by your that stay,
In your side,
In your heart,
And in your heart.
Do you know,
I want the line to be cut,
And enjoy the old days,
But I'm afraid they have extinct,
And will never be born again :(
Gazing up at the twinkling night stars,
They say there's an answer to everything if you look far.
My face elaborates lost and confused,
It's all caused by an instinct that I'm being used.
Maybe you don't know me at all,
Or maybe you can't see through to me,
But I know a fact that stands up tall,
It's that I'm beginning to question our friendship.
Thought swirls about,
I don't know which one is right,
Whether to just live with it, or to fight.
Acting like some stressed-up actor,
Is one of your best things,
Why won't you realize,
That I suffer everyday,
From my heart that keeps on ripping.
Would be nice,
To hug each other, and go back in time,
When nothing else matters,
As long as you got your best friends by your that stay,
In your side,
In your heart,
And in your heart.
Do you know,
I want the line to be cut,
And enjoy the old days,
But I'm afraid they have extinct,
And will never be born again :(
Ahh. capek..